Health And Safety Training Resources


Training materials The HSE ‘Safe and sound at work – do your bit’ training materials were developed by HSE and it’s third party training provider and used to deliver the from April 2010 to March 2011. The HSE ‘Safe and sound at work – do your bit’ training materials are available here to download and are primarily aimed at training professionals and any employers who have the necessary resources/knowledge and training expertise to deliver the training ‘in-house’. The HSE information and guidance contained within the materials are correct at the time of being published in September 2012. HSE does not intend to update the training materials post publication, therefore, it is recommended that prior to use, the currency of the health and safety information is checked by the user by accessing the. The training materials are made freely available under the Open Government Licence. Please refer to the for the full conditions of use.

Two types of training were delivered: Introduction to Workforce Involvement for Health and Safety Representatives This two-day training course was aimed at new Representatives of Employee Safety (RoES). This course combines training on employee and employer rights, roles and responsibilities along with the development of 'soft' or 'people skills'. These include the ability to communicate more effectively; to negotiate change; to participate more in health and safety meetings; and how to build rapport with both colleagues and managers. Handycam Software. It also helps participants to identify realistic, simple steps for improvement in their workplaces on return.

• • Joint training This training comprised of a suite of workshops that trained safety representatives and their managers together, to help secure a more collaborative approach to health and safety. Shiki Eng Sub. The workshops allowed both parties to come together in a facilitated environment to explore improved ways of co-operating to help manage risk. HSE strongly recommends that only experienced facilitators deliver the joint training courses as the requirement is to work with what organisations identify on the day of the workshop(s) as barriers to joint working. This training was purposely developed to be flexible and can therefore be delivered in various ways. Ahead of any training, organisations can opt to complete a full worker involvement in health and safety diagnostic tool to identify issues to be addressed by the training. Organisations can choose to have a full suite of training beginning with Event 1 'Worker Involvement and Your Organisation', Event 2 'Sharing Best Practice in Worker Involvement' an Event 3 'Improving [a specific health and safety topic (‘Risk Assessment’ is provided as an example)] through Worker Involvement' and closing with an Event 4 'Action Plan Review'.

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