Axure Widget Libraries
Prototype mobile and web apps quickly and cheaply using axure rp pro and axure widgets libraries. Thousands of user interface widgets and royalty-free icons. Here you can find Free Axure Templates and Axure Widget Libraries! Download and test them right now.
Professional Axure widget libraries and UI kits for user experience professionals and interaction designers who create prototypes for desktop, tablet and mobile devices. The standard Axure RP widget libraries—Default, Icons, and Flow—come pre-installed with the tool. But you can also install more libraries and even author your own.
The standard Axure RP widget libraries—Default, Icons, and Flow—come pre-installed with the tool. But you can also install more libraries and even author your own in RP just as you would create regular.rp files. Axure widget library files exist in your computer's file system as standalone files with the.rplib extension.

You can download libraries created by Axure and by members of the Axure user community from our page. Types of libraries available include social media widgets, Windows and Mac OS X elements, commonly-used design patterns, Android and iPhone device bodies and UI elements, icon sets, and more. You can also create your own libraries, by yourself or collaboratively, and then share them with colleagues or with the wider Axure community. To load an.rplib file—whether you've downloaded it or created it yourself—into the Libraries pane for use, click the menu icon in that pane's local toolbar. Theories Of History Patrick Gardiner Pdf on this page. From the resulting menu, click 'Load Library' to open your file browser. Browse to an.rplb file and select it to load it into the Libraries pane. After you load a library, you can switch to it using the dropdown at the top of the pane.
Every time you open Axure RP, the tool will attempt to load all of the local libraries you've loaded in the past. RP will also attempt to load any libraries it finds at the following file locations: (Windows) (Mac). To load a widget library hosted on Axure Share, click the menu icon in the Libraries pane's local toolbar and then click 'Load from Axure Share'. You can click the '.' Button to browse to a library hosted on your Axure Share account.
You can also just enter the library's 6-digit Axure Share ID if you know it. Then click 'Load'.
Every time you open Axure RP, the tool will attempt to load any Axure Share libraries you've previously loaded. While working in Axure RP, you can switch to a library in the dropdown and then choose 'Refresh Library' in the menu icon in the Libraries pane's local toolbar to get the latest version of your current library. Every widget needs an icon to represent it in the Libraries pane. By default, each of your custom widgets uses a small thumbnail image of itself as its icon. If you prefer, you can upload an image to serve as a custom icon. To add a custom icon, open a widget for editing on the canvas and then switch to the Inspector's Properties tab.