Theories Of History Patrick Gardiner Pdf
Find more information about: OCLC Number: 392086 Description: 549 pages; 25 cm. Contents: PHILOSOPHIES OF HISTORY: VICO T0 COLLINGWOOD -- The Interpretation of the Historical Process -- The New Science / Giambattista Vico -- Idea of a universal history from a cosmopolitan point of view / Immanuel Kant -- Ideas toward a philosophy of the history of man / Johann Gottfired Herder -- The Progress of the human mind / Antione-Nicolas de Concorcet -- Philosophical history / G.W.F. Asteroids 1979 Download more. Hegel -- The Positive philosophy and the study of society / Auguste Comte -- Politics and society / Auguste Comte. Elucidations of the science of history / John Stuart Mill -- History and the operation of universal laws / Henry Thomas Buckle -- The Materialist conception of history / Karl Marx -- The Inevitable victory of the Proletariat -- The Role of the individual in history / Georgi Plekhanov -- The Difficulty of defining the forces that move nations / Leo Tolstoy -- The Problem of free will and necessity / Leo Tolstoy -- The World as history / Oswarld Spengler -- The Disintegration of civilizations / Arnold Toynbee -- My view of history / Arnold Toynbee. The Nature of Historical Knowledge -- The Understanding of other persons and their life-expressions / Wilhelm Dilthey -- History and chronicle / Benedetto Croce -- Historical determinism and the 'philosophy of history' / Benedetto Croce -- The Sociology of knowledge / Karl Mannheim -- History as re-enactment of past experience / R.G.
Theories of History has 5 ratings and 2 reviews. Qhlueme said: An overview of philosophies of history, the first half treating Vico to Collingwood, the s. History and Theory; Vol. 1, 1960 History and Theory. Download PDF Add. Theories of History by Patrick Gardiner. Theories of History (The Free Press text books in philosophy) by Patrick Gardiner at - ISBN 10: - ISBN 13: 106 - Macmillan USA. Theories Of History By Patrick Gardiner If searching for a book by Patrick Gardiner Theories of History in pdf form, then you have come on to the faithful.
RECENT VIEW CONCERNING HISTORICAL KNOWEDGE AND EXPLANATION -- Critiques of Classical Theories of History -- Prediction and prophecy in the social sciences / Karl R. Popper -- Dialectical materialism / Bertrand Russell -- 'Meaning' in history / W.H. Walsh -- Can we know the pattern of the past? A Debate / Pieter Geyl and Arnold Toynbee -- Determinism, relativism, and historical judgments / Isaiah Berlin -- Can history be objective?
/ Christopher Blake. Explanation and Laws -- The Function of general laws in history / Carl.G. Hempel -- Historical explanation / Morton White -- Some issues in the logic of historical analysis / Ernest Nagel -- Explanations in history and the genetic sciences / W.B. Gallie -- 'Explaining what' in history / William Dray -- Explanation and interpretation in history / Charles Frankel -- Explanation in history / Alan Donagan -- Truisms as the grounds for historical explanations / Michael Scriven. History and the Social Sciences -- Societal facts / Maurice Mandelbaum -- Holism versus individualism in history and sociology / Ernest Gellner -- Historical explanation in the social sciences / J.W.N. Watkins -- Reply to Mr.