Ucla Arabic Graduate Program

Best Arabic Graduate Programs

Jeep Grand Cherokee Key Activation more. Provides funding for a graduate student from the Greater Middle East to pursue studies at UCLA in disciplines in the humanities or social sciences. Summer fellowships for UCLA undergraduates from any discipline to study advanced Arabic. Fellowships for UCLA students demonstrating financial need who plan to pursue the highest degree offered in their course of study.

Graduate programs at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) organized by school, department, division, and institute. The Department of Arabic & Islamic Studies at Georgetown University offers M.A., and Ph.D. Degrees and a combined and accelerated A.B./M.A. Degree in Arabic & Islamic.

Entails participation in the year-long CNES Middle East pedagogy training workshop. Federal funding for a year’s study of Arabic, Armenian, Hebrew, Persian, or Turkish. Fellowships and scholarships are available for the study of Middle East and North African topics across a wide range of disciplines. Travel award Deadline: January Deadline: January Deadline: January Deadline: mid-January Deadline: Various Deadline: late January Deadline: early January Year round Deadline: mid-November Deadline: mid-October Deadline: May Deadline: March Library of the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies: Deadlines: various Deadlines: various Deadline: January Deadline: December Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center, Deadlines: January and September (Anthropology) Deadline: May 1st and November 1st Deadline: October 1st.

This is where achievements are born. Think about not only where you are today and where you'd like to end up, but what you'd like to accomplish in between. UCLA offers graduate degrees in nearly 150 departments, ranging from an extensive selection of business and medical programs to degrees in 40 different languages. Instructed by a faculty of Nobel Prize winners, Field Medal recipients and Fulbright scholars, the graduate programs at UCLA are some of the most esteemed in the world. In fact, all of the graduate schools— as well as 40 of the doctoral programs—consistently rank in the top 10.

You'll be among the best and brightest in the country. On average, UCLA admits 6,000 graduate students of the 21,300 who apply each year. The movers and the shakers. The ones who shape our world.

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