Rappelz In Game Gm Commands
Just paste one of the • add_state( ID, VALUE, TIME, 'NAME') in the CaptainHerlockServer.exe cmd The character has to be online and playing to use #add_state( ID, VALUE, TIME, 'NAME') The template for all buffs is: • add_state( ID, VALUE, TIME, 'NAME') Most found from Some of this codes might not work cuz you dont have the new DB file. BTW if you got the new server files from this site, the onces that admin got up. Most of the stuff you will be able to buy from NPC's in towns. Like in Center of Rondo, you will se some new NPC's and they sell most of the stuff. • add_state(1001, 100, 9000000, 'ur char') //max HP #add_state(1002, 30, 9000000, 'ur char') //max MP #add_state(1003, 600, 9000000, 'ur char') //hp reg.
#add_state(1004, 600, 9000000, 'ur char') //hp Rec. #add_state(1005, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //mp Reg. #add_state(1006, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //mp rec. #add_state(1007, 150, 9000000, 'ur char') //Patk. #add_state(1008, 150, 9000000, 'ur char') //Matk #add_state(1009, 250, 9000000, 'ur char') //Pdef #add_state(1010, 450, 9000000, 'ur char') //Mdef #add_state(1011, 90, 9000000, 'ur char') //Atk Speed #add_state(1012, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Cast Speed #add_state(1013, 150, 9000000, 'ur char') //Mov Speed #add_state(1014, 100, 9000000, 'ur char') //Acc. #add_state(1015, 150, 9000000, 'ur char') //Evasion #add_state(1016, 250, 9000000, 'ur char') //Macc #add_state(1017, 150, 9000000, 'ur char') //Mres #add_state(1018, 50, 9000000, 'ur char') //Cri.
Afternoon project: create a complete list of GM commands. This list was pulled directly from the Antrix r77 sources (src/game/chat.cpp). The command descriptions are (almost) exactly as they appear in that file, except more user-friendly. GM commands can be executed either with the!

Site details for 7.1.0 RPH All-GM/RP building server. Risk Your Life. Spawn GameObjects and NPCs with all Game Master commands. Many commands can be found in random thread's, Wikia and even in-game. This thread have the objective to gather all the useful ones in a single post.
E.g.,!kill and.kill have the same effect. MaNGOS users will be familiar with the concept of the command table -- a good number of these commands cannot be executed themselves; they must be done through their 'parent' command.
For example: you do not type.gold 7000, you would type. Fsx Rex 2.0 Download Free there. modify gold 7000. Similarly, you would type.battleground leave instead of.leave to use the 'leave' command under the '.battleground' set. Let me repeat: If a command under a certain heading is not working by itself, the first thing you should try is looking for the 'Main [type] command table' under that command's heading in this list.
To enable all GM abilities, set your GM flags to ‘az’ in your accounts table (thanks elmis!). This is not necessarily recommended!
To enable sub-sets of these abilities, use the appropriate letters, enclosed in brackets next to each heading. For instance, setting the flags to 'egpt' would make a GM who can only answer Tickets and administrate the battlegrounds. Banstick Commands [b] banchar: Bans character x with or without reason unbanchar: Unbans character x kick: Kicks player from server paralyze: Roots/Paralyzes the target. Unparalyze: Unroots/Unparalyzes the target. Chat Control [c] allowwhispers: Allows whispers from player while in gmon mode. Blockwhispers: Blocks whispers from player while in gmon mode. Debug Commands [d] debug: Main ‘debug’ command table.
Usage:.debug infront: No description entered. Showreact: No description entered. Ver Pueto Pa Mi. Aimove: No description entered. Dist: No description entered.
Face: No description entered. Moveinfo: No description entered. Setbytes: No description entered. Getbytes: No description entered. Unroot: No description entered. Root: No description entered.
Landwalk: No description entered. Waterwalk: No description entered. Castspell:.castspell - Casts spell on target. Castspellne:.castspellne - Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc. Celldelete: USE WITH CAUTION!