How To Disable And Uninstall Protexis Licensing Service Psiservice.exe
Sony Vaio Oem Vista Iso Images. How to Disable and Uninstall Protexis Licensing Service. PSIService.exe does not uninstall together. To remove the Protexis Licensing V2 Service without. To reinstall the Protexis licensing service, use the LicensingService.exe file at the bottom of this article. Double-click the file, choose the Save option and save it to your desktop. Locate the file where you saved it and double-click it to reinstall the service. Dec 04, 2010 I noticed a warning on my Win7 machine about updating the Protexis Licensing service. I obviously asked myself, 'WTF?' It turns out it is a third party.
PSIService is part of Protexis copy protection DRM (digital rights management) and license management software, which intends to protect a software or application from piracy and illegal copying. Thus PSI service is normally installed by another program, such as Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2, Corel Paint Shop Pro XI (X1), Corel Paint Shop Pro X, that uses its service to gather licensing information to send home much like spyware, ensure copy protection and authenticate user that uses genuine version of the program. Cimatron E10 32 Bit Download here. In any case, whether you want to get rid of Protexis while keeping the application that dependent on it still working properly and able to run (contrary to popular belief, Protexis Licensing service is not required for program to run), or now need to clean the Protexis PSIService spyware manually due to non-removal by original application that installs it, the procedures to complete uninstall and remove Protexis is easy. In fact, the instructions to uninstall PSIservice is provided on Protexis website. Katsu Ohta The Right Brain Revolution Rar there.