Employment Programs For People With Disabilities

This section contains information and resources to assist selective placement program coordinators and other agency officials as they recruit people with disabilities for employment in the Civil Service. Recruiting Tips for recruiting, hiring, and retaining people with disabilities/targeted disabilities. Vacancy Announcement Tips for creating and distributing effective vacancy announcements. OPM Shared List of People with Disabilities The is a database of candidates with disabilities who are Schedule A eligible. This service is provided for free to all Federal agencies. Student Programs Effective outreach to with disabilities is a great way to tap into the enormous potential offered by this segment of society. Here are some strategies to keep in mind that will assist you in tapping into that resource.
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Recruiting Tips. Strategies and Resources for Recruiting, Hiring, and Retaining People with Disabilities/Targeted Disabilities There are a number of resources currently in existence that can help agencies make progress towards increasing employment of people with disabilities. Agencies should make full use of these resources to tap into the great potential of people with disabilities. OPM CHCO Shared List of People with Disabilities Enhance recruitment efforts by using the which is a free service available to all Federal agencies in order recruit people with disabilities from a wide variety of professional fields.
The Shared List of People with Disabilities offers the following features: • Easy faceted search capability with the option to filter by categories such as position, degree and clearance type. • Ability to view resumes online To learn more about the list and browse candidates, and then click. In addition, agencies may contact OPM's Office of Diversity and Inclusion. State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies (SVRAs) and State Disability Service Agencies Partner with State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies and State Disability Service agencies to recruit potential applicants with disabilities. State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies provide counseling, evaluation, training and other services to individuals with disabilities. These agencies can assist with information regarding accommodations, effective retention strategies, legal compliance, and training for the agency's organizations.