Download Unlock Code For Wildtangent Games Big Rig Europe

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Top-voted WildTangent promo code for 2018. Bpm Studio Pro Rapidshare there. I want a code in big rig europe ubel 12/30/15 didn't work Nicky. I love wildtangent games it is awesome.
This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Euro Truck Simulator for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please. Money Modify game files at your own risk and ALWAYS make backups! You need to have one save in the game before attempting this cheat. Locate the folder called UK Truck Simulator/saves.
There will be a few folders with different numbers -- these are the different savegame folders. I usually open up the highest number, as it was the most recent save. Inside the folder will be a few files, all you need to do is open the one called game.sii with a text editor, and search for money_account. Edit the number that comes after that to whatever you want, then to be sure, edit the number below it to the same. Save the file, then relaunch the Sim, and you'll have as much money as you like.