Distar Reading Program Worksheets: Software Free Download

Aimed at students or English language learners, this bare-bones program helps test critical-thinking and reading-comprehension skills. Unfortunately, its verbal skills are far sharper than its aesthetic judgments; the interface is uninspired, and the rote process of working with the application would certainly benefit from a brush with a conventional video game. However, it does its job reasonably well. Users are presented with text in one corner, and must pick among variants to prove they've understood the point. Over time, the reading level grows more difficult. The 30-day trial version limits some functions, but the full version could help students study for standardized tests or help boost language learners' reading confidence.
This worksheet came home in ds's 'completed work' folder. He attends public school (special ed kindergarten). I had to have his teacher explain part of it to me, as. Free Download of Funnix Beginning Reading Program. To get the free download. Funnix is developed from that same Distar Reading Program but utilizes the. Computrainer Software.