3d Orbit Tool After Effects
Hello, I am trying the use the Camera inside of After Effects to 3D orbit around a desired object, Instead of the object rotating when I select the 'Orbit Camera Tool' It moves to the left or the right or up and down. The object should be Rotating around the camera, But instead is just moving left or right. I have made sure the objects have the 3D turned on and I have made a Camera. I am trying to orbit some particles to try out a new effect, It's not just the particles that are not orbiting, Any object that has 3D turned on is not working. I have tested 'Text' and other Solid Object inside of After Effects.
To let you know I am using After Effects CS5 and I though it might be useful to include a screenshot of the project Screenshot: I also made a 5 second video to demo the problem. Create your object and camera. Next create a null object, enable 3D and parent it to the camera. Quality Seven Tools Pdf there. Open the null's position and 0 it out(0,0,0).
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Now the null is that exact position of the camera. Now unparent the null from the camera and parent your object to the null. Now just rotate the nulls Y position and it will orbit around the camera. Here's a CS5.5 example project: Johnny Cuevas, Editor Thinkck.com 'I have not failed 700 times. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.'
---THOMAS EDISON on inventing the light bulb.
Your camera orbits around it's own point of interest. The point of interest and most layers start at the origin.
So in effect you orbit around objects to start with. When you pan or dolly, you move the point of interest.
Orbiting is the one camera move that does not move the point of interest. So when you pan or dolly, it will get off. Sp1 For Vs 2010. If you know you always want to orbit around something, pickwhip your cameras point of interest to your selected object's position. That way it will always orbit, and only orbit around that object alone.
I don't know if there is a quick key command in AE to recenter the point of interest to a selected object. For example in Maya, selecting an object and hitting the 'f' key will center the camera up on an object and put it in a perfect orbit with it.