Winchester Originals Bike Trailer Manual

Bev wrote: I recently picked up a used bike trailer (Winchester Originals). Would like to know how to attach it to my bike.frankly, I've never had one before, and I'm clueless! I've seen some pictures on the Web but not my specific trailer, and none with the same type of attachment I have on mine. If anyone has this type of trailer and can give me specifics on how to attach it, I would be very grateful. Sincerely, busterfinch (Bev) I borrowed one about a decade ago. As I recall, it attached to the lef chainstay. I don't remember how it attached.
As famous as the Winchester 94. Buy your Trek Marlin 7 2015 Mountain Bike online from Evans. Like new with original box, mag, manual.22 LR 75C CARBINE SEMI. Parts for repairing a Bikes At Work trailer or for building your own DIY bike trailer.
Hopefully, this will help. I recently picked up a used bike trailer (Winchester Originals).

Would like to know how to attach it to my bike.frankly, I've never had one before, and I'm clueless! I've seen some pictures on the Web but not my specific trailer, and none with the same type of attachment I have on mine. If anyone has this type of trailer and can give me specifics on how to attach it, I would be very grateful. Sincerely, busterfinch (Bev) Hi Bev, I still have one of these.
It does attach to the left chain stay and should come with a large black knob and coupling which it used to clamp the chain stay (hortizontal section of frame leading from the crank to rear wheel hub). The coupling (forked section) is positioned on the outside, while the finger-like treaded peice opposes this on the inside andn fits between the forked section. The knob should be loosened just enough to work the coupling on to the chain stay and should be positioned to the rear as much as possible.
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