Remote Desktop From Vista To Xp Pro


I am hoping someone could help me with this problem. I upgraded from XP Pro to Vista Ultimate. The problem I am unable to remote desktop to my work (County) computer. When I was using XP my company had me use Checkpoint SSL Internet Extender (VPN) through the web browser and remote desktop my work computer. Now that I'm using Vista, I am able to make the VPN connection using Checkpoint SSL Internet Extender, but unable to remote desktop my work computer.

Remote Desktop From Vista To Xp Pro

I tried connecting using my sons XP machine and had no problem with remote desktop to my work computer. Is there something special to making Vista remote desktop work once the VPN connection is made with Checkpoint SSL Internet Extender? My IT guys don't have any experance with Vista yet, the County just upgrade to XP a year ago. Please help if you can. Thanks, Gregg. I have not been able to connect to my office computer ever since I upgraded my HOME computer to Vista Ultimate.

More Remote Desktop From Vista To Xp Pro videos. Agentia De Somaj Sector 3 Program De Lucru on this page.

My office CPU is Windows XP and the server is Windows 2000 Server. Articad Pro V18. I have inputted the computer information as I did before.

It then asks for my sign in information and domain and then it says that 'This computer can't connect to the remote computer.' For the life of me I can not figure this out.

On the server we have the access granted for remote access. Clearly it works since my staff connects freely and I used to be able to when I had my XP computer at home. Please help if you have som idea of how to correct this issue. My IT people can't seem to figure this out either. I already spend too many hours in the office and without this access I will never get home. Check this out from another site. Re: Vista Remote Desktop Connection Hello all, I finally found the answer to why I have been having connection problems using my Vista workstation with Remote Desktop trying to connect our 2003 terminal server.

After first connecting to the terminal server and logging in successfully to the session, the login screen moves really slow, painting the display one pixel at a time and finally just locking up all together. Because of Vistas low initial setting on it's Auto Tuning feature I had to create a new shortcut on the desktop. Enter the command 'cmd' as the shortcut command. Right-click on the shortcut and select 'Run as Administrator'.[You will be put in a DOS box] Type 'netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled' [You should see a successful message] I had to create the shortcut and use the run as command even though my user was an administator equivalent. Not sure why, but it worked. Registry Patch Hawaii more.

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