Queer Theory Gender Theory Pdf
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Lecture 23 - Queer Theory and Gender Performativity Overview In this lecture on queer theory, Professor Paul Fry explores the work of Judith Butler in relation to Michel Foucault’s History of Sexuality. Differences in terminology and methods are discussed, including Butler’s emphasis on performance and Foucault’s reliance on formulations such as “power-knowledge” and “the deployment of alliance.” Butler’s fixation with ontology is explored with reference to Levi-Strauss’s concept of the raw and the cooked.
At the lecture’s conclusion, Butler’s interrogation of identity politics is compared with that of post-colonial and African-American theorists. Introduction to Theory of Literature ENGL 300 - Lecture 23 - Queer Theory and Gender Performativity Chapter 1. Introduction to Judith Butler: What Is Sexuality? [00:00:00] Professor Paul Fry: Now, I don’t think it’s ever happened to me before–although it might have but I can’t recall its having happened–that I found myself lecturing on a person who had lectured yesterday here at Yale, but that’s what happened in this case.
You read–let’s just call it–the facetious article on the lecture in The Daily News this morning. Some of you may actually have been in attendance. I unfortunately could not be, but as it happened I ran into her later in the evening and talked to some of her colleagues about what she’d said, so I do have a certain sense of what went on. In any case, as to what went on, I’m going to be talking today about the slipperiest intellectual phenomenon in her essay having to do with what she calls “psychic excess,” the charge or excess from the unconscious which in some measure unsettles even that which can be performed. We perform identity, we perform our subjectivity, we perform gender in all the ways that we’ll be discussing in this lecture, but beyond what we can perform there is “sexuality,” which I’m going to be turning to in a minute.
Securidesign Rapidshare. Linux Read Disk Serial there. Atari River Raid. This has something to do with the authentic realm of the unconscious from which it emerges. What Butler did in her lecture yesterday was to return to the psychoanalytic aspect of the essay that you read for today, emphasizing particularly the work of Lacan’s disciple, Jean Laplanche, and developing the ways in which sexuality is something that belongs in a dimension that exceeds and is less accessible than those more coded concepts that we think of as gender or as identity in general. So conveniently enough, for those of you who did attend her lecture yesterday, in many ways she really did return to the issues that concerned her at the period of her career when she wrote Gender Trouble and when she wrote the essay that you’ve read for today. Now I do want to begin with what ought to be an innocent question.