Peter Benchley The Deep Ebook
No eBook available. The deep Peter Benchley Snippet view. Subject of sharks and writing such bestselling and critically acclaimed novels as The Deep. Deep by Peter Benchley in DJVU, RTF, TXT download e-book. The Deep has 9,305 ratings and 146 reviews. Microsoft Autoroute Euro 2013 Full Lz0275a00582501. Jeffrey said: ”In sea water more than a few feet deep, blood is green. Water filters the light from above, se.
Secretly, I think all of us want to find sunken pirate treasure. Benchley tells another ocean oriented story about a married couple on their honeymoon who happen upon something very interesting while on a routine wreck dive. There are many myths about what this ship was carrying, and now there is a race to confirm the whereabouts of the long lost treasure. There are no typical monsters (as we are used to seeing from Benchley) however, when we see how people can act when gold is at stake, we see a monster more fearsome than anything seen in Jaws or The Beast.
Buy this book, its a hidden treasure to be sure. I thought the book was interesting. It had many twist and turns. I thought the book would be about sharks but it wasn't. It had alot of action, romance, and a little bit of scary. It was an all around book.
The couple in this book is an odd couple. The man is alot older, but she still likes him. They met scuba diving while the guy was still married.

His divorce was finalized and the girl preposed.To me that is odd because i think a guy should prepose. One of my favorite books. The author should be pleased with himself.
I was actually hoping to order a new copy. Miracle 6 Software here. this novel has the unfortunate baggage of being in the eternal shadow of its predecessor, 'Jaws'.and that's a genuine shame. 'The Deep' reeks with authenticity.
Benchley is in his element here. I was deeply enthralled with all the historical narrative given by Treece.fascinating stuff! I agree with a couple of other reviews; the story ended too glibly. The rich detail offered here.Benchley is part of that rare breed of author who manages to instruct while he entertains ( and without being remotely didactic, unlike a popular 'technothriller' author I could name! The Deep actually transports me to a remote island. I get in the mood for this yarn, and for two days I simply cannot put it down!
With every sucessive read, I find myself hoping the ending will turn out favorably for our characters (!).how many novels can lay claim to having that degree of staying power? Forget the lackluster movie adaptation; interestingly, this novel is far superior, while I've always felt Speilberg's rendering of 'Jaws' almost surpassed the novel of that name by this same author! Approach 'The Deep' with the expectation of a good 'treasure hunt' story versus an epic sea monster tale, and you won't be disappointed ( that is, if you can obtain a copy ). The thing about the Deep is that you can't let yourself get wrapped up in the idea that you need to be terrified to enjoy Peter Benchley. What THE DEEP is is this book about a shipwrcek laden with thousands of ampules of drugs. And our three characters, one of them a lady, new for Benchley, are trying to bring them all up at the whims of drug lord Cloche.
But there's also treasure down there too. Its fun to read becasue it appeals to this, childish, almost immature sense of adventure in us. There's a lot of diving down into the deep for treasure and drugs. A whole lot of diving. Its simply fun becasue at times it is complicated, but mostly, its just simple diving with lots of adventure and danger.END.
Peter Benchley was born on May 8, 1940, in New York into one of America's most celebrated literary families. His grandfather was the humorist Robert Benchley and his father the novelist Nathaniel Benchley. A 1961 Harvard graduate, Peter Benchley started out as a reporter for the Washington Post before going on to work as an associate editor for Newsweek.
From 1967 to 1969 he was a speechwriter for President Lyndon Johnson. Benchley's interest in the sea, stemming from childhood summers spent on the coast of Nantucket, led to his meticulously researching the subject of sharks and writing such bestselling and critically acclaimed novels as The Deep, Whiteshark, and Jaws.
Jaws was later adapted into a blockbuster movie (1975). Two of his other books were turned into the made-for-TV movies, The Beast and The Creature. He has also written numerous reviews and articles for magazines and newspapers, and has appeared in more than a dozen television documentaries about marine life and oceans. Benchley died from pulmonary fibrosis on February 12, 2006 at the age of 65.