Mechwarrior 4 Clan And Inner Sphere Mech Packs

MechWarrior 4: Inner Sphere Mech Pack Review. (even adding up both Clan and Sphere Packs in terms of price. MechWarrior 4: Inner Sphere Mech Pak.

When I purchase a title, I expect it to have a few things. When I purchase an expansion for a title I expect it to expand my gaming experience.
Because of this, I've always found Microsoft's half expansions for (the $13 Mech Packs) to be a little suspicious. They say cheaper add-on. I say a patch in a box that still costs money. MechWarrior is a beautiful, deep, sci-fi action simulation.
Everything about the series enthralls me. From premise to delivery, the games have never managed to disappoint.
And now I get this, something I should have been able to download from the official website completely free of charge. Let's go over what's here in my shiny retail patch, shall we?
Four new mechs: • Dragon: This 60-ton heavy mech is prized by House Kurita top dogs. They use its 85kph top speed to keep away from the competition and lay out plenty of heavy gauss rounds and LRM10s. When it gets tight, it may be found that the AC5 and medium laser are of little help against larger opponents.
• Highlander: 90 tons with a jump jet, the 67kph cruising Highlander is the signature assault mech of the Northwind Highlander mercenaries. Biggest of the four new mechs, the Highlander can not only rush and push over smaller mechs (or crush them with well controlled jumping), it can also devastate from afar (via its heavy and standard gauss rifles). • Zeus: Of classic Inner Sphere design, the Zeus was fan elected to be part of this Mech Pack's armory. Lethal at ranges, the 80 ton assault mech can stumble in close quarters. After the heavy gauss rifle and its dual LRM15 launchers have been depleted, it has only a large laser to rely on. That, coupled with a brisk, but limited 70kph running speed and no jump capability, make it limited to professionals. Yu-gi-oh Power Of Chaos Legend Reborn Torent.
• Hunchback: This stocky mech, complete with its shoulder mounted auto cannon, is tougher than it looks. The little 50-ton thing can take a pounding.
But that bit of distinction will be the first thing to go in a heated fight. With a top speed of 98kph, the hunchback can dart in and out of enemy ranks crippling them with hit and run tactics from its two LBX AC20s, medium lasers, and SRM6 launcher. There are also two new parts and two new maps that come with the Inner Sphere Pack.
The ballistic heavy gauss rifle is like its name says, a more powerful gauss rifle, but heavier and lacking range (four slots, 18 tons, 600m, eight second reload). The other piece of technology is a nifty little thing called the IFF Jammer.