Kaspersky Crystal Technical Release

Kaspersky Crystal Technical Release

Patch B for version 13.0. Ms Dos 6.22 Full Version. 2.558 On July, 16, 2013, Kaspersky Lab releases patch B for Kaspersky PURE 3.0. Patch B is automatically installed once antivirus databases of Kaspersky PURE 3.0 version are updated.

To install patch B, do the following: Run update of Kaspersky PURE 3.0. Once the databases are successfully updated, restart the computer. Once the system restarts, open Kaspersky PURE 3.0. In the bottom left corner of the window, click the Support link. If Patch B was successfully installed, you will see the letter b in the Application version line. Patch B now supports Mozilla Firefox 20-22. Patch B eliminates the following problems: Some problems with program activation.

Download Kaspersky CRYSTAL Technical Release free. 5/27/2016 0 Comments C#] Kaspersky 2. Technical Release & Kaspersky Reset Trial 2. Kaspersky Lab Technical Support. Patch B for version On July, 16, 2013, Kaspersky Lab releases patch B for Kaspersky PURE 3.0. Kaspersky CRYSTAL Technical Release. Adobe Photoshop CS6 13.0 Pre Release Updated 2012: Logiciel: VSO ConvertXtoDVD Pre-Release(last version).

Problem of program 'freezing'. Some problems of the program interface.

Some problem of synchronization with the Password manager. Problems in the work of Parental Control. Unstable functioning of Virtual Keyboard, Content Blocker and URLs check in Mozilla Firefox 19.

Problems displaying plugins for Virtual Keyboard, Content Blocker and URLs check in Mozilla Firefox 20 and Google Chrome 25. Problems of program 'hanging' after performing a rootkit scan. Problems connecting to SQLExpress 2008 with Kaspersky PURE 3.0 installed. Html Create Link To Mp3. Problems connecting to Xbox through Windows Media Center. Problems of the system hanging when copying a folder or unpacking an archive of several gigabytes. Problems when working with Virtual keyboard.

Problems when working with Java software in Internet Explorer 10 (Windows 8). Problem accessing WD Essentials NAS with Kaspersky PURE 3.0 launched. Problems synchronizing scan settings.

Problems restoring keyboard and mouse operability after the program deletion. Ver: Saludos Caos Edited July 16, 2013 by Caos.

Hello friends, We are about to release Integrity Control update. Update description: •Intctrl.kdl (; md5: 0fb514fdc017) •Intctrl.kdc (md5: 322e2ccf4a4f95de8741e56f0e11dd76) Update source: New features & fixed issues: •Improvements related to KSN Test coverage: •KAV/KIS 2013 (, •KAV/KIS 2014 ( •KAV/KIS 2015 ( •KFP 2.0 ( •KFP 2.5 ( •Pure v3 ( The list of browsers, supported by Safe Money feature: •Internet Explorer versions 8, 9, IE10 platform preview ver. 4, except for IE10 Metro Style UI •Mozilla FireFox versions 9.x + •Google Chrome versions 15 + Modules should be tested under the following OSs: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 update, all OSs both x86 and x64 (except XP x64) Before testing: Enable complete memory dump: •XP: •Vista: •Win7: Short test-plan: A.Testing of new modules 1.Update from 2.Make sure that product is working with the default settings, that a supported browser is used and that the browser plugin is enabled.

3.Perform the following tests: 1.Add several online payment systems to Safe Money component. Please add not only well known systems (like PayPal) but also others that customers might also use in your region. 2.Make sure that browser opens the payment or online banking system correctly in the Safe Money mode. 3.If any problem is encountered, please first off check if it is related to the new module. Check if the problem is present with the version of modules from public servers 4.Reproduce the problem with the product traces enabled and send us the comprehensive description of what is observed along with the payment system, browser version, and product traces.!!! Iportant notice. The following products: •KAV/KIS 2013 (13. Windows Vista Network Card Driver. 0.0.3370, •Pure v3 ( May receive or may not receive the updates.

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