Flashflashrevolution Sims
Best Answer: Check out these sites for downloading files for Stepmania: After you download a file it should be in a ZIP file. Ticket To Ride Appcake here. Open the zip file and copy the folder inside then go to Start>all programs>stepmania>open stepmania program folder>songs>*create a new folder if there's none*>*paste* Sometimes simfiles are put into what is called a RAR file. This is basically just a whole bunch of files crammed into one for easy storage. If you do download a RAR file, you need to extract it into a normal ZIP. Here is a free program that you may download to extract these RAR files: And here is my little tutorial on how to use it: Hope this helps and good luck!
A list of all Major Simfile Packs for StepMania - posted in Stepmania & Simfiles: A list of all Major Simfile Packs for StepMania v2 Original thread is here: http. Best Answer: Check out these sites for downloading files for Stepmania: http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v4. Primal Scream Screamadelica Rar: Full Version Software on this page. The site Flashflashrevolution.com's front page was last accessed by Qirina 8-1-2012. The source was comprised of 15400 characters, of which.