Drupal Could Not Execute Mail Delivery Program
Where the program stops. Mail(): Could not execute mail delivery program '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i ' in /var/aegir. Working group for the Drupal Europe 2018.
Configuring PHP under Windows to use Gmail or External SMTP Server [SSL] Keywords: SSL, SMTP Authentication, External SMTP, Google Apps, Fake Sendmail When installing and setting up Apache, PHP and MySQL on my Windows Server box I have a unique problem, I didn't run my own mail server. I got sick of having to deal with spam issues as well as ensuring maximum uptime or end up losing mail.
I then decided to take advantage of Google Apps, which allows you to use Google Services for your domains including the Gmail Service, which allows you to have your email handled by Google. You still keep the domain name, so you get all the features of Gmail, but with your own domain name and you still retain full control of users. To see an example of the log on, check out. One big problem with this though, how do you configure PHP so it can send mail now that you don't run the mail service yourself? In the PHP.ini you can configure to use SMTP to drop off mail but it doesnt offer you many options, whats missing is SSL support which Gmail uses as well as SMTP authentication which yet again, Gmail uses.
This is the best part, I found a 'Unix fake sendmail' application for Windows, what this does is accepts mail in the same way Unix does, but then passes it onto another mail server and supports SSL and authentication. Configuration Note: If you are intending to use Gmail or Google Apps with Custom Domain, please read for an update regarding the SSL problems. This configuration will talk you through setting up the service with Gmail using a Custom Domain. If you have not yet done this, you will need to set up Google Apps for your Domain. Once you have enabled Gmail for your domain you will need to set up an account for webmaster or whatever email address you intend to use for your PHP Mails. Once the account is created you must log into it once and enable POP3 or IMAP under Settings, this usually then enables SMTP on your Gmail so that you can use it with this.
If you are not using Gmail you will need to do some additional steps like setting up the SMTP server and port. You will need to find these out from your email provider. This does NOT work with Windows Live Domains due to the lack of SMTP. Step 1 - Download and Configure Sendmail The first step is to download Fake Sendmail created by Byron Jones. I have provided a copy which already has SSL supported added in and configured to work with Gmail which can be downloaded by You will need to extract it somewhere on your Server. Its recommended you choose somewhere sensible because once set up you will need to reconfigure PHP if you change the path, so don't bother with your Desktop.
Victoria Tenebrae Factae Sunt Pdf there. Easy Accounting Software Crack. If you have locked down Apache and PHP with a seperate locked down user account, that user account with need access to read and run applications in the folder where you store Sendmail. For the purpose of this guide, I have stored it in C: inetpub sendmail Once extracted, open Sendmail.ini in your favourite text editor, Notepad will do.
You will need to customize this configuration to your own. The lines highlighted in red must be changed and configured to your domain settings. Words highlighted in blue should ONLY be changed if you are not using Gmail for your email. Code:; configuration for fake sendmail; if this file doesn't exist, sendmail.exe will look for the settings in; the registry, under HKLM Software Sendmail [sendmail]; you must change mail.mydomain.com to your smtp server,; or to IIS's 'pickup' directory. (generally C: Inetpub mailroot Pickup); emails delivered via IIS's pickup directory cause sendmail to; run quicker, but you won't get error messages back to the calling; application.