Download Texas Game Warden Equipment


A Bowie County game warden observed a truck that he’d received several complaints on and, recognizing the driver from prior contacts, knew that he did not have a valid driver’s license and made a traffic stop. The driver admitted to driving while license suspended, but also appeared extremely nervous. When asked if there was anything illegal in vehicle, the driver replied “It’s not my truck” and told the warden he’d have to ask the owner, his dad, who was sitting in the passenger seat with a large pitbull in his lap. The passenger consented to a search of the vehicle and the warden discovered a meth pipe in the ashtray and a pistol hidden in the seat. Both suspects were convicted felons multiple times over and although neither claimed the pistol nor the meth pipe, both were arrested and transported to Bowie County Jail. Once at the jail, staff conducted another search and found meth, marijuana and another meth pipe in the dad’s underwear. Both suspects were booked for multiple violations.

Law Enforcement Offices

Mar 13, 2016 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department game wardens have acquired advanced detection equipment designed to block the smuggling of radiological or nuclear. Texas game wardens have a new. The program has generated more than $100,000 in private funds to buy specialized equipment. Users may not download or reproduce. Ant Industrial Studio Scada 3d Tuning.

Information gained during the stop resulted in another agency conducting a traffic stop and making two more drug related arrests. Information on a subject who had captured an alligator snapping turtle and posted pictures of the protected reptile on Facebook sparked an investigation that resulted in the recovery of several items of drug paraphernalia and items that had been used to catch the turtle. Game wardens also discovered evidence that one of the subjects at the residence had been fishing illegally. The wardens determined that the turtle had already been released near Lake Wright Patman. Several citations and warnings for the violations that had been committed were issued. Cases pending. While hiking up stream between Lake Worth and Eagle Mountain Lake, a Tarrant County game warden stopped at an old fishing camp known as Vance's Camp, which hasn't been used for years.

While inspecting the area the warden noticed a lot of nets laying around with no one in the area. As he investigated further, he found the first of three illegal hoop nets. The first net was near the bank brushed up in high weeds. As the warden continued to search the area, he came across an old rope buried in high weeds leading into the creek. When the warden pulled the rope up, he found two more hoop nets. Sade Kiss Of Life Zippy. He gathered the illegal equipment and waited for quite some time for signs of anyone who may have been monitoring the nets, but no one ever came.

Download Texas Game Warden Equipment
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