Download Manual Mutoh Rj 4100
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I am a new member and I service printers through my business: First let me say that I use forums and I am not one to shotgun questions just looking for an answer. If you can provide info for me, I will follow up with my results including pics, data etc. What i am asking is for info on the Mutoh Falcon RJ-4100. I have a customer with a small printing business who has one that displays a 'no cap position' error. I'd like to get a service manual etc, and If anyone knows of a source or you have one, let me know.
Thanks -Mike. Mutoh Falcon / Rockhopper repair project I have posted before on this and I wanted to add some pics. The original problem was the 'no home position' message which was reset by going into service mode (power on while holding top 3 keys), going to adj: home and setting the home position when the head was moved over all the way to the right. Then the terrible 'undefined paper' message would not allow me to get any further.
Here is the printer: The first step was to test the sensors. I went into service mode and chose exam --->sensors ---->edge sensor. Jaws 15 With Crack more. I saw the display with a low number between 10-20. Then I placed a paper under the head. The sensor changed to this: I then went to the exam category in the service mode of sensors---->Xr (for X plane Rear sensor) Here it is: This sensor read 'off' and turned on when I placed a paper on top of it. The final sensor is Xf (for X plane front) I can not see where this sensor is located, but according to the service manual, there is a connector on the main logic board.
I will have to open up the lower control box and take a look to see if that sensor is connected. I am going to update this as I progress, but if anyone has something they can add it would be great -Mike.
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