Daiwa Silvercast Manual

Telecharger Gratuitement Logiciel Dactylo Arabe. Find great deals on eBay for daiwa silvercast 210rl. Shop with confidence. Team the ultrasmooth Daiwa Silvercast Reel with our Pro Guide Rod for a reliable, money-saving combo with virtually no backlash. The Daiwa Silvercast.
I give the 170 model 5 star but ive had 2 100 models and theyre just not smooth and dont last. 170 model seems to be built better and the 100 models only lasted a couple of seasons.
The handle broke on the one and the line would get hung up on the other when casting. For the smaller models i would step up to the gold series. I have 2 gold and my kids are always reaching for those first. Dlm.exe Manager more. The 170 silver is heavy duty and i have it on a 7 foot mediumheavy action ugly stik.
Good for salmon fishing from a boat, pier or shore. I give the 170 model 5 star but ive had 2 100 models and theyre just not smooth and dont last. 170 model seems to be built better and the 100 models only lasted a couple of seasons. The handle broke on the one and the line would get hung up on the other when casting. For the smaller models i would step up to the gold series. I have 2 gold and my kids are always reaching for those first.
The 170 silver is heavy duty and i have it on a 7 foot mediumheavy action ugly stik. Good for salmon fishing from a boat, pier or shore. Decent reel, but a still over priced imho 30$. I bought it in hopes of casting heavier spinner baits, but I think they're a bit much for this reel. Don't get me wrong it'l probably be fine for anybody wanting to fish with less than heavy baits. This review is In reference to the 120a Update, after spending a day casting a strike king spinner bait, I'm thinkin bout selling this thing because I simply hate the thumb release button.
My casts went all over the place. Maybe it just takes time to get used to, but it def casts differently than any spincaster that Ive used.
Also the drag seems a bit weak. I think daiwa has taken a step down having sold their production to china. I have purchased this type reel before from Daiwa. It seems to be really excellent quality, easy to maintain and should last many, many years.
Pattern Explorer 4.5 Serial there. The cast is very nice and smooth. The only negative thing I found with these reels is that the spool is a bit too deep and takes a lot of line to fill - lots of line that won't be used and is too deep in the spool to cast well if one actually got down that low on the reel - so this is some wasted line, in my opinion. I have both the 170 (for 17 - 20 pound test line) and 120 (for 12 - 15 pound test line) versions and love them!