Berlin Sans Light


Lucian Bernhard's very stylish, stacked signature Lucian Bernhard, Type Designer Lucian Bernhard (1883 – 1972) was a self-taught graphic artist, painter, type- and industrial-designer. He was born as Emil Kahn. Throughout his life he disliked speaking of the past, even to his children, meaning there is much speculation about his exact biographical details. It seems the most plausible reasons for the name change was either a reaction against his father or a prescient move in the face of growing anti-semitism in Germany. During the First World War Bernhard worked for the German government in the production of propagandistic artworks. Black Mans Burden.

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Lucian Bernhard's winning Priester poster Bernhard’s breakthrough moment came when he entered a competition to design a promotion for Priester matches. The money offered was very little, but times were tight and he had a name to make for himself.

In the end he won not just the competition but also ongoing work from the marketing company who oversaw the competition. Bernhard’s initial Priester design was a complex Jugendstil piece; Germany’s take on Art Nouveau, and the bleeding edge style of the time. At a friend’s suggestion he started to simplify the over-wrought work, initiating a process he knew as “addition by subtraction”.

The judges decided that the final work, a gaudily coloured writing of the company name and two accompanying twigs of matches was heinous. Dfx Audio Enhancer 5.1. They threw it in the bin and moved on. Luckily for Bernhard, and indeed twentieth century design more generally, one of the executives from the marketing firm who was sent to oversee the competition saw the binning taking place. He rushed over, retrieved the artwork and admonished the judges by proclaiming the winner to be found. While many thought this simple poster too stark, too modern, the executive’s vision changed German design. Spss 20 Testversion Deutsch. The Priester story was later told by Bernhard himself, so it may well be apocryphal. Lucian Bernhard's Informative Functionalist poster for Stiller Shoes The train of his career was set in motion.

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