Bank Management System - Source Code Of Program

Bank management mini project in C is a console application without graphics. It is compiled in Code::Blocks with gcc compiler. The source code for this project is around 600 lines, so I didn’t want to display the source code here. The source code is password protected (password is codewithc).
This is an open source WPF project based on the working of a BANK. My project name is R-Bank Management System. The bank management system is an application for maintaining a person's account in a bank. This project build in VS2010 and SqlServer2008. In this project I tried to show the working of a bank. Here in my project there are 2 types of users. One is Admin and other one is Simple user.
Banking Management System in C++. I can help you to build your Bank Management System. Source Code: Download Here. The following C project contains the C source code and C examples used for bank management system. This is simple program for Bank Management System. Please send me the source code of bank management system in c++ on this email id. Documentation on bank management system. To check whether program runs.
To access this project there is an authorization process. If you login as an Admin then you will be redirected to the Admin Home Page and if you are a simple user you will be redirected to your Account Home Page.
A simple user can access their account and can deposit/withdraw money from their account. User can also transfer money from their account to any other bank account.
User can see their transaction report too. The other user is Admin. This performs the following functions: Create Individual Accounts Manage existing accounts View daily transactions etc.
I have uploaded Project Source Code and database inside DATA folder. This project is made in WPF (VS2010) and I used SqlServer 2008 database to handle the daily transactions, account management and user management. In this project I used typed dataset. So to run this project just attach the database which is in DATA folder and change the connection string here. Change Data Source here. This is the DFD for this project. Big Fish Cracked Games Free Download on this page. Open Properties->Settings.settings change DataSource here.
When you run this application then first time login screen appears like. Here login can be by a simple user or by a Admin, these User ID and passowrd rahul are of a admin user so after login with these credentials user will redirect to Admin Home Page like. Here we can see that an Admin has the options. New Account - To Crete New Account 2.