Arri Fresnel Softbox

Find great deals on eBay for arri softbox and kino flo. Shop with confidence. The ARRI Fresnel series is ideal for use where compact, light weight tungsten Fresnel spotlights are required. Shop Arri softboxes, scrims, barndoors.
I also want one Arri 650 Fresnel with a soft box as a key light in formal interviews. I have read about turning the 650 arri fresnel into a softbox but I would like to hear from a user. I would also like to know your opinion on an interior relector, white or silver on the softbox. I like silver with an exposed bulb but with the fresnel, which I am unfamiliar with. Should it be white. I prefer Photoflex softboxes but they push their lights so hard I can't sift through which one is best with an arri 650 fresnel.
Chimera makes a speed ring to fir the arri fresnel. What to do, I sure like the light control on the softboxes for the key light. Re: Arri 650 ' Fresnel with Chimera 16x22 xs softbo Hi: IMHO, you will find the light source a little too directional and harsh with a Chimera that small. Once again, just my opinion.
If you can afford, go for a medium Chimera instead with a 1k open face. This works well if you are in fairly low light rooms. If you need more output, we also use a Mighty 2k tungsten when competing with window light or a lot of ambient light. BTW, why use a fresnel with a Chimera? What's the point?
How would you focus your diffused light through a Chimera? I guess fresnels are better when not used through a Chimera but in a lightbank, why?
Open faced lights are cheaper than fresnels. Also, the Arri speedrings are a joke even with a small Chimera. At least they are a joke if you try to mount the Chimera and speedring to the actual flimsy Arri light stand. Commander Windows 7 64 Bit. We mount the Chimera on a speed ring, then mount the speed ring to a spud at the end of a 40' arm on a C stand. No sag, no fuss, no muss.
If you mount a Chimera on an Arri fixture, you will quickly strip out the nylon tilt retaining screw, too much weight and leverage. Re: Arri 650 ' Fresnel with Chimera 16x22 xs softbox Hello; I love my chimera softbox. And it is a great light for interviews. Korn Life Is Peachy Rar. I would reconsider my set-up if I was you.
Specifically with regard to the light. 650w is not much to push through a chimera.
Also go with the Med, size. 36x48 inches. Gives you much more wrap of the light and also can be positioned farther back if needed. Also, I would encourage you to obtain a honeycomb for the front on the light. It changes the quality in a way I love. Imagine a 3x4 ft.
Softlight with some directionality. It can make people glow. There is a sacrifice of power though. You'll have to step up to a 1000w instrument. I like the tota, and the ring mounts to the stand too. All that being said. We have a well respected lighting specialist in the area who likes the small chimeras.
He, however, put a 2000w arri in them and backs them up quite a bit. Re: Arri 650 ' Fresnel with Chimera 16x22 xs softbox 'You'll have to step up to a 1000w instrument. I like the tota, and the ring mounts to the stand too.'
I have used this setup in the past and it gives you more bang for the buck. Is the interior on your box white or silver? Chimera or photoflex? Thanks for your input. I was staying away from the 1000watt boxes because I am using some 3 250 lowel pro vips for backlight and gel highlights.