American Cancer Society Epidemiologic Research Program
Please visit the websites below to determine full program details including eligibility, research topics, and deadlines. We welcome institutions to submit free or paid opportunities for high school, undergraduate or post-baccalaureate students by emailing.

Learn more about the characteristics of the American Cancer Society cohorts. The American Cancer Society’s research program consists of extramural grant and. When the ACS[2][1] founded its intramural program of epidemiological research in 1946, lung cancer death rates in men had increased approximately 5-fold since 1930.

See also: • • • Awardsand Scholarships American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For third-year undergraduate students. $1,500 yearly stipend to attend two consecutive AACR Annual Meetings.
Leftover funds can be used for school/lab projects, conference travel, etc. Deadline: 12/15 Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, Lansdowne, Virginia For outstanding community college students with financial need to transfer to and complete their bachelor’s degrees at the nation’s top four-year colleges and universities. Up to $30,000 per year.
Students must be nominated by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Faculty Representative at their two-year institution. Deadline: 10/31 UNCF Merck Science Initiative, Fairfax, Virginia For college juniors who are African-American and STEM majors.
Two consecutive 10-12-week summer research experiences at a Merck facility. $25,000 scholarship, $5,000 stipend for summer research, institution may apply for $10,000 Department Grant. Deadline: 12/1 Microscopy Society of America, Reston, Virginia For full-time undergraduate students interested in conducting a research project which involves the use of any microscopy technique.
The Economist Game Changer - The Best Software For Your. Up to $3,000 research funding, awarded in April. Students are required to be sponsored by a member of MSA.
Deadline: 12/31 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Fund For college juniors and seniors in the forthcoming academic year who have outstanding potential and intend to pursue research careers in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering.
Up to $7,500 annually for tuition, fees, books, and room and board. All candidates for scholarships are nominated by their college or university. Deadline: 1/26 DAAD North America, San Francisco, California For undergraduate students interested in study, senior thesis research and/or internships in Germany. Supports study abroad in Germany and at German universities.
€650 monthly for ten months, additional funds for travel, research expenses, health insurance. Deadline: 1/31 National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland For students from disadvantaged backgrounds committed to biomedical, behavioral and social science research careers at the NIH.
Up to $20,000. Scholarships can be renewed up to four years. Requirements: 1) 10-week summer laboratory experience; 2) employment at the NIH after graduation. Deadline: 3/15 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students. First, second, and third place cash prizes for best student abstract/poster/poster presentation at AACR Annual Meeting’s Undergraduate Student Caucus and Poster Competition. Free registration for AACR Annual Meeting for all participants. Deadline: 1/31 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Undergraduate Students (ABRCMS), Phoenix, Arizona.
For undergraduate and postbaccalaureate students. $1,500 to cover registration, housing and travel. Multiple deadlines: Please refer to ABRCMS website. For underrespresented undergraduate, postbaccalaureate, and graduate students. Up to $1,850 to be used for travel-related expenses and/or conference registration. Multiple deadlines: Please refere to FASEB website. SummerResearch Opportunities National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda, Maryland For undergraduates, postbaccalaureates (within two years), or graduate students.